
Results on survey

1.Are you for or against euthanasia? Tell me the reason.
  Many people answered "yes", because we should have the rights to die in our own will.
  I also got a comment "if they don't want to live in pain, let them choose".
  However, some said it depends on the stuations.
  I didn't find answers saying "no" to this question.
  Like many other, I am for euthanasia, too.

2.Are you able to explain the differences between euthanasia and suicide?
   I got good answer on it "euthanasia is for people who are ill and have no chane of recovery"or      
 "suicide is mainly committed by mental anguish, not physical one".
 Their answers were very thoughtful.
 By the way, I don't have answer to this question myself.

3.If you got disease with great pain, and you know you won't recover, will you choose euthanasia?
   All of respondents answered "yes".
  I regret I didn't make comment box on this question. If I had, I would have learned a lots of things  from this question.

4.Do you think Japan should relax restriction on euthanasia. Tell me your opinion.
  Some said "yes", because elderly people are increasing in Japan.
  But most of rhem didn't answered on this question saying "I don't know restriction in Japan"
  I think I made a bad question. It could have been vety difficult one for people who are not Japanese.

5.Do you think euthanasia brings good effect to society?
  The answers were split. About a half answered "yes", the other choosed "no".

6.Why do you  think that euthanasia is employed constructively in Europe?
    They couldn't come up with good answers on this question.
    They seem to know it is spreading in Europe, but don't know why. 

7.Do you think euthanasia will keep spreading?
   Almost 70 per cent of people said "yes".
   Others answered "no".
  Seeing the current in euthanasia, this can be.
I learned a lot of things about people's ideas on euthanasia from results.

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