
Word clouds

These are word cloud from an article of MNT(Medical News Today) "UK doctors consistently oppose Euthanasia and assisted suicide."
As you can see, in this article, some negative words are emphasized like " danger " or " killed ".
And , there is a word "ethics ", which is often used by people who oppose euthanasia.

And these are word clouds from Euthanesia.com(http://www.euthanasia.com/
To my surprise, the biggest word in these word clouds is " Articles" . In this site, many articles about euthanasia is posted to show different perspective. That must be why " Articles" is biggest.

7 件のコメント:

  1. I like the heart word cloud. Very stylish!
    I wish you would make your font size all the same. It is very difficult to read when the font size is sometimes big or small.

  2. I was wandering why your word cloud is a pink heart?

  3. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。

  4. Quite nice!
    If you could give us the source of where and which article you've pasted from, I think it would be much more user friendly and nice for who wishes to look at the article.

  5. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。

  6. Your word cloud is so cute and diskcussing. Let's argue the euthanasia together. This issue is suitable for you, GUy!

  7. Please take care to not only show the URLs of your sources, but also a complete citation in MLA style. That will make it possible for someone to track down the source even if the URL changes sometime in the future.

    At first, like Zhihao Xu, I wondered why you chose a pink heart for your second word cloud. But, I'm guessing that it's because people who support euthanasia think that it's the humane and ethically appropriate choice in certain circumstances.
    Joseph D.
