

Should we have the right to die?

I think that people should be allowed to choose whether they live or die,
because it's their own life to do as they please. People should be able to
decide when they want their life to end.
People don't need to suffer from great pain anymore.
Seeing many opinions from the internet, a lot agreed on this idea.

I'll show some oppose opinons.
"Either live snd hurt yourself, or end yourself by hurting so many people who love you, face this pain.This is life, not everything is easy, that doesn't mean you have to kill yourself. "
Seems a little cruel.


I found an interesting article.

"Dutch euthanasia clinic offers mobile service"
March 07, 2012|By Ben Brumfield, CNN

The Netherlands' first ever clinic for assisted suicide and euthanasia has opened and includes a mobile service for those who wish to die at home.
Almost 140,000 people die in the Netherlands per year, according to the CIA World Factbook. The intentional ending of life with a doctor's help accounts for about 3,000 of those deaths, according to the Netherlands Ministry of Health.

I know Netherland is developing country for euthanasia, but I was quite surprised to this article.
There are many ways to choice euthanasia in Netherland.


Do you think euthanasia enables us die with honor?

From my opinion I say yes.
If people don't want to live anymore, the choice of euthanasasia is not a bad ending of life.
At least, they can put end to their lives in their own will. I think this means a death with honor.


What is the difference between euthanasia and  helping suicide?

It seems that there is no firm differences between them.

Physician-assisted suicide refers to the physician providing the means for death, most often with a prescription. The patient, not the physician, will ultimately administer the lethal medication. Euthanasia generally means that the physician would act directly, for instance by giving a lethal injection, to end the patient's life.




What is euthanasia?

Means of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering.
This is also called as "mercy killing"
And euthanasia is categorized in different ways, which include voluntary, non-voluntary, or involuntary. These can be more divided into passive or active euthanasia.
Passive euthanasia entails the withholding of common treatments, such as antibiotics, necessary for the continuance of life.
Active euthanasia entails the use of lethal substances or forces, such as administering a lethal injection, to kill and this is very controversial.
There are different laws in many countries about euthanasia.


Results on survey

1.Are you for or against euthanasia? Tell me the reason.
  Many people answered "yes", because we should have the rights to die in our own will.
  I also got a comment "if they don't want to live in pain, let them choose".
  However, some said it depends on the stuations.
  I didn't find answers saying "no" to this question.
  Like many other, I am for euthanasia, too.

2.Are you able to explain the differences between euthanasia and suicide?
   I got good answer on it "euthanasia is for people who are ill and have no chane of recovery"or      
 "suicide is mainly committed by mental anguish, not physical one".
 Their answers were very thoughtful.
 By the way, I don't have answer to this question myself.

3.If you got disease with great pain, and you know you won't recover, will you choose euthanasia?
   All of respondents answered "yes".
  I regret I didn't make comment box on this question. If I had, I would have learned a lots of things  from this question.

4.Do you think Japan should relax restriction on euthanasia. Tell me your opinion.
  Some said "yes", because elderly people are increasing in Japan.
  But most of rhem didn't answered on this question saying "I don't know restriction in Japan"
  I think I made a bad question. It could have been vety difficult one for people who are not Japanese.

5.Do you think euthanasia brings good effect to society?
  The answers were split. About a half answered "yes", the other choosed "no".

6.Why do you  think that euthanasia is employed constructively in Europe?
    They couldn't come up with good answers on this question.
    They seem to know it is spreading in Europe, but don't know why. 

7.Do you think euthanasia will keep spreading?
   Almost 70 per cent of people said "yes".
   Others answered "no".
  Seeing the current in euthanasia, this can be.
I learned a lot of things about people's ideas on euthanasia from results.



I got many constructive opinions from classmates. Thank you!
Some praised us for our NGO's projects, like hospice or releasing patients from pain, and my Kamishibai.
There were some criticisms and questions on our funds. Thinking back, we should have developped on that more concrete.
I also got comment that explaining wasn't clear enough on differences between active euthanasia and passive euthanasia.


The answer to our question

The question' How many countries do you know legalize euthanasia?
→Above all, there are two kinds of euthanasia. Passive euthanasia and Active euthanasia. In many countries, passive euthanasia have been legalized, that is, the right to die is accepted. By expressing their living will, people can approach death voluntary if they get an incurable disease, and there is no hope for recovering it. However, at present, active euthanasia has been legalized only in four countries and two states in US. They are Switzerland, Nederland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Oregon, Washington. I think active euthanasia is more difficult to deal with more than passive one, because some time active one could be 'murder' if a doctor or the family of the patient go against his living will. Therefore, it will take a long time to permit active euthanasia in many countries.

Our interpretation on the result of our survey

Thank you for answering to our survey.
The question 'In Japan, should Euthanasia be legalized?'
→Almost all respondents agree to Euthanasia, because 'it's important to respect the quality of life', or 'Doctors should not continue excessive treatment with pain or suffering.'
I also agree to it, and I think Euthanasia will spread out around the world.

We couldn't get certain answers to the question 'Do you know the differences between Euthanasia and assisted suicide?'
The definition of Euthanasia is so ambiguous, so it could be the difficult problem.

Which do you choose Active Euthanasia? or Passive Euthanasia?
→Most agree to passive Euthanasia, because 'It's cruel to do active euthanasia because it is close to murder.

If you or your relative got an incurable disease, which would you choose Euthanasia or life-support?
→In the case that relative get the disease, many people let their relative follow their will.
→In the case that you get the disease, about half of them agreed to Euthanasia, and the other agreed to life-support.
This is also difficult to answer, and people may change their own thought when they are about to die.

Do you think the idea of euthanasia will keep on spreading out?
→Many people answered that it will spread out around the world.
I think almost all people emphasize on quality of life.

Is it truly happy for all people to live a long life?Tell us your idea about it.
→Many people answered that 'It depends on the situation.' Some people may think he want to live ling, if he enjoy his life. The other may think he doesn't want to live anymore, if his life is not pleasant.
I think we should the right to choose how we die.

The feedback we received from classmates

Many classmates wrote that 'Kamishibai' was good, funny, charming as positive points.
Our interpretation on the result of our survey had no visual aids, but it was good that we summerized concisely and clearly.
Our powerpoint was concise and included many positive things, but we should have included the concrete explanation about how pain would be managed at our hospice.

This is the Powerpoint we made.


About Article

I found this article in New York Times "Push for the Right to Die Grows in the Netherlands"
There is a big group in Netherlands that trying to make euthanasia ligal.
It is called Right to Die-NL, and that group claims 124,000 members.
The menmer of RIght to Die-NL says that majority of the Dutch believe euthanasia should be available to suffering patients who want it, and thousands formally request euthanasia every year.
Although I doubt if that is true, because no authority were indicated.
The other member said
''Medical technology is so advanced that people live longer and longer, and sometimes they say 'enough is enough.' '' I really agree with that. I don't think living longer always means good.
Sometimes, ending their life by their own will could be the best choice.


I found an article on BBc. "Assisted suicide: 'Strong case for legalisation"
It is not ligal to assist suicide in England.
There is a movement to make them allow assisted suicide for people who are terminally ill there.
However, it is ligal in Switzerland, so there are some English people that commit assisted suicide in Switzerland.Some cannnot end their lives in their own contry...How sad!!



My answers to our own questions

1 What is euthanasia?
 Euthanasia is ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering. However, it has many thoughts about the definition, and there are different euthanasia laws in each country.
2 What is the difference between euthanasia and helping suicide?
 I think the meanings of both are almost same, but euthanasia must be done by a doctor, not ordinary people.
3 Do you think euthanasia enables us die with honor?
 Only if the patient has the will to choose euthanasia in advance, his right to die should be forced. In short, euthanasia should be done, I think.
4 Do you think we should have the right to die?
 Yes, having the right doesn't mean that people can do suicide. .it is just cruel for people who has incurable illness to continue life-support treatment until they die.
5 Is euthanasia applied only to people who have a terminal disease?
Yes, now only people who have the terminal disease(for example, incurable cancer with serious pain, suffering) can choose the decision to die.
6 Are there possibilities that euthanasia can be means to control medical expense?
 Yes, but euthanasia should never be for control medical expence, but for the quality of life.
7 Who supports euthanasia mainly?
 People who agree with the right to die.
8 What makes the separation of euthanasia from suicide?
 Euthanasia is done for people who have no hope that they can discover and who can't live lively and happily until they die.
Suicide is the action that people who give up living the rest of life voluntary.
9 Do you think euthanasia is sole measure to relieve them from pain?
 No, there is the method which takes away the pain by drug or medicine.
However, living a long life is different from living better.
10 Why most society bans euthanasia?
 Because the definition of euthanasia is so ambiguous. It could be regarded as suicide.
11 What kind of problem can be occurred with spread of euthanasia?
 Assisted suicide may spread, I think.
12 What are opinions of anti- euthanasia?
 Euthanasia is like assisted suicide, and it also could be murdur.
13 What are opinions of euthanasia supporter?
 We should have the right to die.
14 What is an etymology of euthanasia?
eu=well, thanasia=to die.
15 What do you think of euthanasia?
 I agree with euthanasia, because it's so cruel for people who have incurable illness to continue life-support treatment.



 This is a video on euthanaisa. Watch it and you will be interested in euthanasia.
Right to Die, Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia [ part 1 / 5 ] 


Yahoo Groups

I joined two Yahoo Groups.
The first one is a groip that assist euthanasia, second one is against euthanasia

I've joined two Yahoo Groups

The first group which I've joined is IFRL. This is a non-profit, pro-life organization. It is composed of people of different political persuasions, various faiths and diverse economic, social and ethnic backgrounds. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IFRL/?yguid=531927356
The second one is Bible_Government. This is e-mail list that informs you about government policies. This includes issues such as euthanasia, abotion etc. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Bible_Government/?yguid=531927356


Word clouds

These are word cloud from an article of MNT(Medical News Today) "UK doctors consistently oppose Euthanasia and assisted suicide."
As you can see, in this article, some negative words are emphasized like " danger " or " killed ".
And , there is a word "ethics ", which is often used by people who oppose euthanasia.

And these are word clouds from Euthanesia.com(http://www.euthanasia.com/
To my surprise, the biggest word in these word clouds is " Articles" . In this site, many articles about euthanasia is posted to show different perspective. That must be why " Articles" is biggest.


Questions and answers

1 What is euthanasia?

The deliberate killing of a person who is very ill and going to die, in order to stop them suffering.

2 What is the difference between euthanasia and helping suicide?

In euthanasia, a person-usually a doctor-kills directly by dosage or stopping treatment

In helping suicide, a person doesn’t kill them directly. They just tell them how to die

3 Do you think euthanasia enables us die with honor?

No, I don’t. Turning away from the pain is not honorable thing.

4 Do you think we should have the right to die?

No, I don’t. We shouldn’t give up surviving.

5 Is euthanasia applied only to people who have a terminal disease?

Yes. We cannot sign up for euthanasia just because we are tired or feeling alone.

6 Are there possibilities that euthanasia can be means to control medical expense?

It could be. Life-supporting costs lots of money.

7 Who supports euthanasia mainly?

Jack Kevorkian, who was a doctor.

8 What makes the separation of euthanasia from suicide?

There is no difference in the point of "escaping from pain ".

9 Do you think euthanasia is sole measure to relieve them from pain?

No. Palliative care is one of them to relieve them from pain.

10 Why most society bans euthanasia?

Most society regards euthanasia as a suicide. I think that’s why.

11 What kind of problem can be occurred with spread of euthanasia?

The sense of life could collapse.

12 What are opinions of anti- euthanasia?

They think euthanasia is same as suicide. They cannot accept legalizing suicide as a measure of treatment.

13 What are opinions of euthanasia supporter?

They think we should have the right to die.

14 What is an etymology of euthanasia?

eu=well, thanasia=to die.

15 What do you think of euthanasia?

I don’t. Choosing euthanasia is escaping from and pain.

Pain is part of life.


Web Sites on Enthanesia

I would like to introduce two web sites on euthanesia.
First one is, Euthanesia.com.(http://www.euthanasia.com/
This site introdudes plenty numbers of articles of euthanesia from all over the world.
There are also statements by medical profession.
Althrough some of articles are dead links, this site is very useful.
Second one is,Assisted-Dying brog(http://assisted-dying.org/blog/
This one posts article about publications or  activityactions on euthanesia.
I thought this site is not good.
This web site can assist not only euthanesia but also suicide.


people’s opinion

I am a philosopher with opinion of opposing euthanasia, because I define euthanasia as the same meaning of suicide, escaping from living. Choosing euthanasia is escaping from death because they can’t stand enduring pain or exposing their shameful sight. This is no other than a suicide. For any reasons, a society mustn’t affirmative suicide.
And, I don’t think the right of self-determination covers choosing death of their will.
Our existences are connected to other people around us, so you can’t decide your destination of life at your own discretion.

people's Opinions

I am a doctor, and I approve euthanasia. I have watched my patients before, dying with great pain. Sometimes, I felt helpless and lost confidence of what I was doing, because all I can do for them was just a life-support treatment, not for recovery. I think this is better idea to let them choose die with honor instead of waiting with suffering. In fact, there were several cases that they chose euthanasia. At their last moments, they seemed so calm and peaceful, and so were their families. Their families were also released from same pains as patients suffered from. It is natural that some peoples are relieved from agony by euthanasia, like others are relieved from agony by treatment.
